Some times
The labours
Travel thousand f miles
Out from their home
Find their fantasy job
Good salary
Good company
Good accommodations
International labour rights
Labour court...
They have...
Yes the workers
Have every aspect of labour needs
Whatever around...
Whatever does...?
Whatever might be?
Labours are ready for work
Labours are ready for work
Bosses are demon
Bosses are mad
Bosses are cynical
Bosses are mentally ill
Bosses are ruining the labours rights
Demanding for the job never no and never do...
Demanding for the become a slave
Work slave......
Labours are frighten
Labours are angry
Labours are un-stable
The good company
Become a bad company
The good job
Become a job that in hell
Wrong bosses are ruining every thing...
The labours are think
Once, twice...three wise...
They couldn’t think more...
They remember....
The heaven friends with them
Yes... the mangers are with them
Find the differences....
The different between
Bosses and mangers...
Lack of education
Lack of knowledge
Loose the team work...
Spell bound...
Between...labours and bosses
The world, the heaven, the job, the company
Is a hell...? Hell that exits in the world....
While these things happen....
I am stand still....
Watching them
Watching over the groups
What exact cause....
I found the answer
Heaven and company
I may say....!
Hey labours.....!
In true heaven
You’re not working....
At heaven there is haven’t business
Just to do.....
Staying, make friends, enjoying, share your love
Try to speak for your self...
Tell your matter to the mangers
Not for bosses...
Argument becomes
Because of....
Wrong theory
Wrong perception
Wrong orientation
I ask aging from all
Don’t forget the real meaning of...
Working heaven....
Just protect your rights...
Try to bring power of justice and law....
O.W.Palitha Ariyarathna
Copyright, O.W. Palitha Ariyarathna.2009
All Rights Reserved By Author: 2009